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Jane Goodson

Jane Goodson, Ph.D.

Chair, Department of Business, Accounting, and Mathematics; Visiting Associate Professor of Business


Phone: (334)833-4544
Office: Wilson Hall, Room 203


  • Ph.D., Human Resource Management/Organizational Behavior and Management, The University of Alabama
  • Master of Arts, Human Resource Management, The University of Alabama
  • Bachelor of Science, Health Care Management, The University of Alabama


Dr. Jane Goodson joined the Huntingdon faculty in 2020, continuing a long and accomplished career in academia. From 1986 through her retirement in 2014, Dr. Goodson served as a professor, department chair, and dean in the College of Business at Auburn University-Montgomery. Upon her retirement, she was named Professor Emeritus of Management. Prior to her tenure at AUM, she taught for the University of Alabama.

Research Publications

Journal Articles and Refereed Proceedings:

  • Duarte, N.T., Goodson, J.R., and Dougherty, T. Managing Innovation in Hospital and Health Care Systems: Lessons from the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award Winners. International Journal of Healthcare Management, Volume 7, Issue 1,21-34 (April 2014).
  • Duarte, N.T., Goodson, J.R., and Arnold, E. Performance Management Excellence Among Malcolm Baldrige National Award Winners in Health Care. The Health Care Manager, 32(4),346-358, 2013 (October-December).
  • Duarte, N.T, and Goodson, J.R. The Compensatory Role of Self-Monitoring in Performance Appraisal. Journal of Business and Social Science. Vol.3, 24, 1-11, December 2012.
  • Duarte, N.T., and Goodson, J.R. Management of Organizational Culture in Hospitals and Health Systems, presented at the Society of Business, Industry, and Economics conference, Gulf Shores, Alabama, March 2013.
  • Ang, D., Griffin, T, and Goodson, J.R. Enterprise Systems Through Supply Chain Management, Contemporary Management Research, Vol. 6, 1,1-8, March 2010.
  • Duarte, N.T, Goodson, J.R., and Jones, M. TEAM Academy: A Comprehensive Approach to Management Development and Succession Planning at the Alabama Department of Public Health, U.S. Public Health Service Scientific and Training Symposium, Atlanta, Georgia, June 3, 2009.
  • Financial Literacy, grant proposal developed and presented to Auburn University Research Council; one of two proposals across both campuses to move up to the Federal Agenda, 2009-2010.Duarte, N.T., Goodson, J.R., and Lantz, K. (2000). How politics can kill curriculum innovation. Proceedings of Western Decision Sciences Institute, Annual Conference.
  • Duarte, N.T., Goodson, J.R., and Lantz, K. The critical role of appraisal objectivity in faculty motivation, International Business Practices: Contemporary Readings of the 1997 International Conference of the Academy of Business Administration, 127-136, 1998.
  • Goodson, J.R., Lewis, C., and Duarte, N.T. Recent trends in hostile environment sexual harassment, Journal of Business and Behavioral Science, 2, 44-55, 1996.
  • Goodson, J.R. and Duarte, N.T. What gives you the right to tell me? The de-motivating effects of feedback as a function of source credibility. Journal of Business and Society, 8, 151-162, 1995.
  • Duarte, N.T., Goodson, J.R., and Klich, N. The effects of dyadic quality and tenure on performance appraisal. Academy of Management Journal, 37, 499-52, 1995.
  • Goodson, J.R., Lewis, C.W., and Culverhouse, R.D. (1995). Sexually-harassed and stressed out: The employer’s potential liability. Journal of Managerial Issues,6(4),428-444.
  • Lewis, C.W., Goodson, J.R., and Culverhouse, R.D. (1994). The tort of outrage in Alabama: Emerging trends in sexual harassment cases. Alabama Lawyer, 55(1), 33-37.
  • Duarte, N.T., Goodson, J.R., and Thomasson, J. (1994). Using a managerial simulation to teach modern management techniques, Global Business Trends, Proceedings of the Academy of Business Administration International Conference.
  • Lewis, C.W., and Goodson, J.R. (1994). Stress and Sexual Harassment: Emerging trends on how courts are applying agency principles. The Proceedings of the Southern Academy of Legal Studies in Business, Fall, 1994.
  • Lewis, C.W., Goodson, J.R., and Culverhouse, R.D. (1993). Trends in compensating the sexual harassment victim: The threat of double recovery. Journal of Individual Employment Rights, 2(2): 123-132.
  • Goodson, J.R., Lewis, C.W., and Culverhouse, R.D. (1993). The tort of outrage: How sexual harassment victims are fighting back. Human Rights Journal (American Bar Association Publication), 20(2):10-13, 30.
  • Duarte, N.T., Goodson, J.R., and Klich, N.R. (1993). How do I like thee? Let me appraise the ways. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 14: 239-249.Duarte, N.T., Goodson, J.R., and Thomasson, J. (1993). The primacy of organizational politics in universities. Proceedings of the 1993 International Conference of the Academy of Business Administration, 442-449.
  • Lewis, C.W., Goodson, J.R., and Duarte, N.T. (1992). Employer liability for stress-related disabilities: A double whammy. Southern Law Journal, 2(2): 19-28.
  • Goodson, J.R., and McGee, G.W. (1992). Giving Appropriate Feedback to Managers: Effects of Content on Motivation. Journal of Business Communication, 29: 329-342. This article was reprinted in
    the book Writing Academic Reports of Business Research, 1993.
  • Griffin, T., Budden, M., Thomasson, J., Duarte, N.T and Goodson, J.R. (1992). Challenges facing college and university administrators in the 1990s. Proceedings of the Assoc. of Management, 19-24.
  • Duarte, N.T., Goodson, J.R., and Klich, N. (1991). Leader-member exchange as attributional noise in performance appraisal. Proceedings of the Southwest Academy of Management, 63-66. Winner of the Distinguished Paper Award
  • Goodson, J.R., Duarte, N.T., and Budden, M.C. (1992). When feedback backfires: The de-motivating effects of feedback as a function of supervisory characteristics. Proceedings of the National Academy of Business Administration, 702-709.
  • Goodson, J.R., and McGee, G.W. (1991). Enhancing individual perceptions of objectivity in performance appraisal. Journal of Business Research, 22: 293-304.
  • Duarte, N.T., Goodson, J.R., and Klich, N. (1991). When time heals all ratings: The interactive effects of time in the supervisor-subordinate relationship. Best Papers Proceedings of the National Academy of Management, 262-266. Winner of the Outstanding Paper Award
  • Goodson, J.R., Pappanastos, E., and Duarte, N.T. (1991). The role of feedback and goal processes in faculty performance appraisal. Proceedings of the Southwest Academy of Management, 63-66. Nominated for the Distinguished Paper Award
  • Hogan, G.W., and Goodson, J.R. (1990). Selection and training of expatriate managers: An approach for reducing failures of multinational corporations. Training and Development Journal, 44(1): 50-53.
  • Hollis, D., and Goodson, J.R. (1990). Stress: The legal and organizational implications. The Employee Responsibilities and Rights Journal, 4(2), 255-262.
  • Hollis, D., Goodson, J.R., and Whatley, S. (1990). Drug Testing: Less control than we thought? Refereed Proceedings of the Southern Regional Business Law Association.
  • Goodson, J.R., McGee, G.W., and Cashman, J.F. (1989). Situational Leadership Theory: A test of leadership prescriptions. Group and Organization Studies, 14: 446-461.
  • DiMarco, N., Goodson, J.R., and Houser, H.F. (1989). A situational approach to head nurse management development. Health Care Supervisor, 7(4): 57-66.
  • DiMarco, N., Goodson, J.R., and Houser, H.F. (1989). Situational leadership in a project/matrix environment. Project Management Journal, 20: 11-18.
  • Goodson, J.R., Calvasina, E.J., and Houser, H.F. (1989). Effective performance appraisal in an academic environment. Proceedings of the Southeast Region of the Decision Sciences Institute.
  • DiMarco, N., Goodson, J.R., and Houser, H.F. (1989). Situational leadership: An approach to effective health care management. Proceedings of the Midwest Business Administration Association.
  • Hollis, D., and Goodson, J.R. (1989). The tort of bad faith: Ethical considerations for managers. Refereed Proceedings of The Southern Business Law Association.
  • Hollis, D., and Goodson, J.R. (1989). The drug testing decision: Legal and managerial considerations. Selected Papers of The American Business Law Association Regional Proceedings, Vol. 16.
  • Goodson, J.R., McGee, G.W., and Ginter, P.M. (1988). Stock options. Personnel Administrator,33: 71-75
  • Goodson, J.R., and McGee, G.W. (1988). Executive performance evaluation: Establishment of perceived objectivity, Proceedings of the Southern Management Association.
  • McGee, G.W., Goodson, J.R., and Cashman, J.F. (1987). Job stress and job dissatisfaction: The influence of contextual factors. Psychological Reports, 61:367-375.
  • Goodson, J.R., McGee, G.W. and Seers, A. (1987). Feedback content in managerial performance evaluation: Effects on motivation and perceived objectivity, Proceedings of the Southern Management Association.
  • McGee, G.W., Ridolphi, J.M., Ferguson, C.E. and Cashman, J.F. (1984). Beyond static approaches to organizational effectiveness: Development and estimation of an integrated model. Proceedings of the Southern Management Association.
  • Ridolphi, J.M., and Seers, A. (1984). Leader behavior versus leader-member exchange: A competitive test. American Institute for the Decision Sciences, Southeast Proceedings.
  • Snyder, R.A., and Ridolphi, J.M. (1983). Work-related perceptions of social workers versus administrators: More grist for the ‘is social work a profession?’ mill. Journal of Sociology and Social Welfare, 10: 472-483.
  • Ridolphi, J.M. (1983). Voluntary turnover in public accounting firms. Southeast Proceedings of the American Accounting Association.

Book Chapters

  • Goodson, J.R. Interpersonal Influence, In J.W. Newstrom and Pierce, J.L., eds., Windows Into Organizations, New York: AMACOM, 1990.

Paper Abstracts

  • Effects of Dyadic Quality and Tenure on Performance Appraisal, abstracted for the Executive Summary section of the Academy of Management Executive (1995).

Other Academic Presentations

  • Duarte, N.T., Goodson, J.R., and Lantz, K. (1999). The politics of curriculum changes in universities. International Conference of the Academy of Business and Behavioral Sciences.
  • Goodson, J.R., Duarte, N.T., and Lewis, C.W. (1999). Recent trends in the law about temporary employment. International Conference of the Academy of Business and Behavioral Sciences.
  • Duarte, N.T., and Goodson, J.R. (1998). Temphelp can be temphurt: A legal and managerial analysis of contingent work arrangements. International Business Practices: Contemporary Readings of the 1998 International Conference of the Academy of Business Administration.
  • Duarte, N.T. & Goodson, J.R. (1998). Can Performance Appraisal Ratings Be Monitored? The Interactive Effects of Self-monitoring, Performance, and Dyadic Quality on Performance Appraisal, paper presented at the National Academy of Management Meeting, August 1998.
  • Lewis, C.W., and Goodson, J.R. (1997). Analogous Analyses or Divergent Decisions?: How the Courts Are Applying Harris in Hostile Work Environment Cases, paper presented at the ALSB Annual Conference, August 1997, Atlanta, Georgia.
  • Goodson, J.R., and Lewis, C.W. (1995). Hostile Work Environment Sexual Harassment: Recent Interpretations Under Title VII and Tort of Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress, presented at the Southern Academy of Legal Studies in Business, March 1995, Houston, Texas.
  • Lewis, C.W., Goodson, J.R., and Culverhouse, R.D. (1993). State Trends in Compensating the Sexual Harassment Victim: Employers and Potential Liability. Presented at the Southern Academy of Legal Studies
    in Business, March 1993, New Orleans, Louisiana.
  • Lewis, C.W., Goodson, J.R., and Culverhouse, R.D. (1992) Sexually Harassed and Stressed Out: The Employer’s Liability. Presented at the Southeastern Academy of Legal Studies, November 1992.
  • Goodson, J.R. Motivating Faculty in the 1990s (1992). Presented at the Annual Association of Management Meeting, August 1992, Las Vegas, Nevada.
  • Goodson, J.R., and Duarte, N. (1991). Assessing communication patterns using the FIRO-B. Presented at the National Academy of Management Meetings, August 1991, Miami, Florida
  • Goodson, J.R., and Duarte, N. (1991) Symposium Entitled Experiencing organizational communication: Exercises to teach prospective managers. Presented at the National Academy of Management Meetings, Communication Track, August 1991, Miami, Florida.
  • McGee, G.W., and Goodson, J.R. (1988). Job stress and health: Moderating effects of personality and social support. Paper presented at the National Academy of Management Meeting, August 1988, Anaheim, California.
  • Goodson, J.R., and McGee, G.W. (1987) The development of executive perceptions regarding individual goal-corporate goal congruence. Paper presented at the National Academy of Management Meeting, August 1987, New Orleans, Louisiana.
  • Houser, H.F., Calvasina, G., Goodson, J.R., Calvasina, R., Calvasina, J. (1988). Career development: An effective manager’s tool. Symposium presented at the Southern Management Association Meeting, November,1988, Atlanta, Georgia.
  • Cashman, J.F., Ridolphi, J.M., and McGee, G.W (1984). An empirical test of the situational theory of leadership. Paper presented at the National Meeting of the American Psychological Association, August,1984, Toronto, Canada.
  • Snyder, R.A., and Ridolphi, J.M. (1982). De-professionalization in the field of social services. Paper presented at the Southeastern Psychological Association Meeting, March, 1982, New Orleans, LA.


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